Zionism Exposed

1877 (37 years before the outbreak of WW1 and 40 years before the Balfour declaration): A pre-Herzl Zionist planning to use Europe's powers, especially Russia, in order to dismantle the Ottoman Empire and get Palestine for the Jews.

The Weekly Kansas chief. (Troy, Kan.) 1872-1918, June 14, 1877, Image 1 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress

"It may be that Turkey will refuse or be unable to understand us. This will not discourage us. We will seek other means to accomplish our end. The Orient question is now the question of the day. Sooner or later it will bring about a conflict among the nations. A European war is imminent… The great European war must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible moment. After the great European war is ended the Peace Conference will assemble. We must be ready for that time. We will assuredly be called to this great conference of the nations and we must prove to them the urgent importance of a Zionist solution to the Jewish Question." - Father of "Political Zionism" Theodor Herzl, 1897.

"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference - where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." - Co-founder of the World Zionist Organization (together with Herzl) Max Nordau, 1903.

great European war is ended the Peace Conference will assemble. We must be ready for that time. We will assuredly be called to this great conference of the nations and we must prove to them the urgent importance of a Zionist solution to the Jewish Question." - Father of "Political Zionism" Theodor Herzl, 1897.

"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference - where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." - Co-founder of the World Zionist Organization (together with Herzl) Max Nordau, 1903.

Interesting 1924 info from Joseph Tumulty, Secretary to Woodrow Wilson, about Arch Zionist leader Louis Brandeis and WW1...

[Click on the picture for larger view]

Interesting 1924 info from Joseph Tumulty, Secretary to Woodrow Wilson, about Arch Zionist leader Louis Brandeis and WW1...

[Click on the picture for larger view]
Bernard Waley-Cohen, Ex-London Mayor, 77


Published: July 6, 1991

LONDON, July 5— Sir Bernard WaleyCohen, a businessman who assisted the development of modern Israel and served a term as Lord Mayor of London, died on Wednesday. He was 77 years old.


Sir Bernard had a varied career in companies connected with investment banking, real estate development, investment and farming. He was a director of the Palestine Corporation, founded in 1922 by British businessmen to encourage the economic development in the British mandate of Palestine, much of which became Israel.

Bernard Waley-Cohen, Ex-London Mayor, 77 NYTimes.com
"It may be that Turkey will refuse or be unable to understand us. This will not discourage us. We will seek other means to accomplish our end. [...] The great European War must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible moment. After the great European war is ended the Peace Conference will assemble. We must be ready for that time. We will assuredly be called to this great conference of the nations and we must prove to them the urgent importance of a Zionist solution to the Jewish Question."

- Zionist leader Theodore Herzl, 1897, 1st World Zionist Congress, to delegate Litman Rosenthal.

"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference - where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created."

- Zionist leader Max Nordau, 1903, 6th World Zionist Congress.

"We told the responsible authorities: We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not. You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world."

- Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, December 1919, speech in Jerusalem.

More about Izvolsky and WW1: The Russian imperial conspiracy, 1892-1914, by Robert L. Owen. ... - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library | HathiTrust Digital Library (from p. 34)
"We managed to drag the United States into the First World War (Balfour Declaration) and if they (the US) do what we demand in regards to Palestine and the Jewish armed forces, then we can get the Jews in the USA to drag the United States into this one (WW2) too."

"It has been repeatedly acknowledged by British Statesmen that it was the Jews who, in the last war, effectively helped to tip the scales in America in favour of Great Britain. They are keen to do it - and may do it - again .But you are dealing with human beings, with flesh and blood, and the most elementary feeling of self respect sets limits to service, however willing, if the response is nothing but rebuffs and humiliations. American Jewry waits for a word - a call - from His Majesty's Government. The formation of a Jewish fighting force would be that signal." - Chaim Weizmann, letter to PM Winston Churchill, September 10, 1941.

Real History and Churchill's War

David Irving Churchill War
Chaim Weizmann's letter to Winston Churchill

March 1930: The founder of political Zionism in the United States himself "prophesies" a second world war and an American involvement in it.
"Nations, democracies, don't go to war easily, and they usually debate and argue before they do. Sometimes they have to be bombed into going to war, and in fact that is what happened in World War II." - Benjamin Netanyahu
Just a "coincidence" that Britain was thrown into the bed of the military junta heading Poland at that time (the Polish Colonels' Regime) only a few days after the failure of the London Conference of 1939 on the future of Palestine (February 7, 1939 - March 17, 1939), which led to the disastrous British White Paper of 1939 (May 1939)???

London Conference of 1939 - Wikipedia

White Paper of 1939 - Wikipedia
For info, Hitler didn't invade Czechoslovakia since Czechoslovakia of course ceased to exist when Slovakia took her independence.

With the British-Polish military agreement in their pockets, the Polish leaders no longer had any reason to negotiate with the Germans and even not to threaten them openly.
The British blank check of March 1939 of course hardened the Polish intransigence brought about by the American blank check of January 1939.

No. 43

M. LEON NOEL, French Ambassador in Warsaw, to M. GEORGES BONNET, Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Warsaw, February 4, 1939.

WITH reference to the question of transit through the Corridor, which has been examined during the Polish-German conversations, I have just received the following additional information:

Poland absolutely refuses to accept the establishment of "a corridor through the Corridor"; neither will she hear of the construction of a railway line which would be the property of Germany or of a motor-road with extra-territorial rights.

But as can be inferred from the inspired commentary issued on the communiqué, measures are being planned, which, according to the words of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, are meant to ease and "simplify" German transit through Pomerania.

Negotiations on this matter are to take place between the two Governments. They might possibly be carried on in connection with conversations on the Danzig question.
The League of Nations = one-world government #1 The United Nations = one-world government #2
(The Eastern/Oriental Question = the liquidation of the declining Ottoman/ Turkish Empire)
Plan A : purchase of Palestine from the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (peace) Plan B : seizure of Palestine through the partition of the Ottoman Empire (war)
Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, and Israel's founding president, said the above at the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine on March 8, 1946.

"It was the World Jewish Congress that saw to it that the Nuremberg Trials were held, for which it supplied experienced advice and most valuable evidence - and it was the World Jewish Congress that had such far-reaching connections during the war that these extended even into the German Foreign Office, and that it received information even long before the British Secret Service received it."

- Maurice Perlzweig, Chief of the British Section of the World Jewish Congress, said in an address in Langside Hall in London on November27, 1949, Jewish Chronicle, London (December 16, 1949. Quoted in: UN, 8/83 p. 4.)

On 14 May 1948, the day before the expiration of the British Mandate, David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel. Both superpower leaders, U.S. President Harry S. Truman (May 14, 1948 - de facto) and the Sovietleader Joseph Stalin (May 17, 1948), immediately recognized the new state, while the Arab League refused to accept the UN partition plan.
Zionist Mind Control and The Perpetual “Holocaust of Six Million Jews”

Young children are being subjected to Zionist Mind Control through hateful anti-German Hollywood propaganda movies and television shows. This evil brainwashing must be stopped!

WHEN TALKING ABOUT the holocaust™ you must understand that we’re not dealing with history here, we’re dealing with religion and appeals to religious sensibilities. The holocaust religion embodies the same prerogatives that religions of other types require of their followers, which is suppression of blasphemy, conformity in terms of orthodox belief, the upholding of the correct dogma, the revering of relics, the canonization of martyrs, etc — all of these are hallmarks of the religion of Holocaustianity.

If we are to understand the religious dimensions of what is promoted as “history,” then we must excavate the Talmudic Jewish mentality of perennial victim-hood. Talmudic cry-baby whiners demand special privileges and immunities, as they consider themselves a Holy “Chosen People” above all others.

What are these special privileges and immunities?

Jews believe that their tribal god Yahweh has declared them a Holy "Chosen People" superior to all others.

Above all, the “Goyim” are not allowed to question “God’s Chosen People” in any capacity. Yet the Chosen Ones are allowed to level any charge, any libel, any mytho-maniacal tall tale concerning the “hateful German Gentiles,” and while they’re doing this we must all sit silently and acquiesce passively or else! So, apparently, they have the right to do this; meanwhile if we accuse the Chosen Ones of perpetrating a slow-motion genocide against the Palestinians, mass murder in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, or of being behind the genocide of millions ten-fold under the yoke of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe, then we have committed nothing less than the cosmic crime of “blood libel.”

So, you can clearly see here the Talmudic Jewish mentality. There is one law for the Holy “Chosen People” and another for the lowly “Goyim.”

Long ago the Jews fabricated the “Exodus” story to overwrite their sordid history of slave-trading and slave-holding through a clever reversal of the truth to claim that the Jews had been the slaves. In the 1930′s Soviet-Communist Jews employed mobile gas chambers inside sealed armored buses which choked to death scores of Ukrainians by carbon monoxide from running engines. In 1944 the New York Times reported that Jews were calling on the governments of Britain and the U.S. to perpetrate deadly poison gas attacks against Germany. The “Holocaust” or “Shoah” story was fabricated as yet another clever reversal of the truth to portray the Jews as the “victims” of gassings. In 1941, an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman published his evil manuscript titled, “Germany Must Perish!“, within which he called for the genocide of all German Gentiles in a “final solution.” The Jews then flipped the script on the Germans, accusing them of plotting an evil conspiracy to kill the Jews in a “final solution.” How clever.

“6,000,000 Dead or Dying Jews”, A Staple of Zionist Propaganda Since 1900

Shortly following the formation of the World Zionist Organization in 1897 by Theodore Herzl and Max Nordau, stories began to appear in the Western press hysterically alleging an imminent “holocaust of six million Jews.”In 1911 at the tenth Zionist Congress in Switzerland, the apparently psychic Zionist Max Nordau proclaimed that 6,000,000 Jews would soon be annihilated by European governments. Eight years previous to this, in 1903, Nordau told the sixth Zionist Congress there would be a “world war” which would pave the way for the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, with the help of England.

The Jews have endeavored to engender the "Six Million dead or dying Jews" fable in the public consciousness for decades prior to the events of the 1940's.

The claim of “six million” Jews on the precipice of extermination was regularly promoted by Zionists since 1900. Arch-Zionist Rabbi Stephen S Wise was the original progenitor of this deceitful propaganda story. He co-founded the World Jewish Congress and attended the Second Zionist Congress in Basel in 1898, where the plot was hatched. Wise spoke of “6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism” back in 1900, and was aggressively promoting the “six million dead or dying Jews” hoax in 1942, after Dr. Paul Nathan had tried in vain to launch the very same hoax in 1906, along with Martin Glynn who replicated this hoax in 1919.

It seems, the “Jewish Holocaust” that supposedly happened in Nazi Germany during the latter years of the Second World War, actually wasn’t the first Jewish Holocaust at all. It wasn’t even the first in that century. In fact, looking at this collection of newspaper articles and clippings from the late 1800s through the 1940s, it would appear there has been a continual “holocaust of six million Jews” in progress since at least 1890 — if one were to actually swallow all the trumped-up atrocity stories Jews have propagated through the media during this five decade time period.

The First Holocaust, a must read book by Don Heddesheimer that exposes the deceitful nature of Jewish persecution claims and fundraising campaigns dating back to 1900.

A must read is Don Heddesheimer’s substantive work “The First Holocaust” which also documents post-WWI propaganda that claimed East European Jewry was on the brink of annihilation, regularly invoking the cabalistic six million figure. It gives details how that propaganda was used to agitate for minority rights for Jews in Poland, and for Zionism and Bolshevism in Poland and Russia; and demonstrates how Jewish fundraising operations in America raised vast sums in the name of feeding Polish and Russian Jews, then funneled much of the money to Zionist and Communist “constructive undertakings” — including banks, unions, and kibbutzes — rather than to starving Jews. “The First Holocaust,” which includes eye-opening testimony from American diplomats and military attachés stationed in Poland and Russia that contradicted Jewish persecution claims, is an incisive examination of a cunningly contrived campaign of atrocity and extermination propaganda two decades before the alleged WWII Holocaust.

It is also noteworthy that the authors of the vast majority of those newspaper articles were the richest of Wall Street’s Jewish bankers and leaders of Zionist pressure groups; Schiffs and Warburgs among them. Is this perhaps a clue to their original purpose of these claims of perennial persecution? Was their aim always financial extortion? Looking at the “compensation” claims of “holocaust survivors” today against countries that patently had nothing to do with any holocaust (even if we presuppose that one actually HAD occurred), like Belgium and Switzerland, it would appear, at least to a jaundiced eye, that this is indeed the case.

One might easily conclude that if those first holocaust claims were true, it would dominate our history books as the “First Holocaust.” But since it cannot be found there, we can rightly assume that these stories were a tissue of fabrication. Solely from that observation we can further conclude that the perpetual Jewish-Zionist claims of mass extermination that emerged during and after the Second World War (which have increased in intensity ever since) is no more reliable than the totally discredited propaganda claims of massive Jewish persecution, death and imminent extermination before, during and after WWI. Simply on that basis — without even broaching the scientific-technical findings, evidence and arguments that contradict the claims made by Jews about mass killings in gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps — we can confidently disbelieve the “official story” of the alleged WWII Holocaust.

The official narrative of the alleged WWII “holocaust of six million Jews” follows exactly the pattern of Zionist propaganda that first emerged at the dawn of the 20th century. This directly undermines and cheapens the latter story’s credibility and veracity. Considering Germany collapsed totally after the war and was not able to defend itself against such propaganda because it is punishable by law in Germany and many other European countries to challenge those claims, we can safely conclude that the Zionist Jews who lied about the “First Holocaust” are also lying about the second.

Jewish bankers instigated WWII to get rich, as well as forge the path for the creation of the satanic entity known as "Israel."

Further damning evidence of a premeditated hoax is the fact that Jewish leaders and lobbying groups within the United States had already been anticipating exactly six million Jewish casualties as soon as WWII commenced. As early as 1936, Zionists who originally coined the phrase “Final Solution of The Jewish Question“, somehow knew exactly 6,000,000 Jews had “neither hope nor future” in Europe. In 1939, World Zionist Organization chairman and Balfour Declaration architect, Chaim Weizmann, proclaimed: “The fate of six million people was in the balance.” A month into the war in October of 1939, a Jewish newspaper, The Jewish Criterion, predicted that “the coming world war would be the annihilation of six million Jews in East and Central Europe.” In 1940, Nahum Goldmann, the chairman of the World Jewish Congress, announced that if the Nazis achieved final victory “6,000,000 Jews in Europe are doomed to destruction.” In 1942, British Jew, Victor Gollancz, repeated the “6,000,000 Jews on the verge of extermination” mantra. In 1943, a Zionist pressure group, the American Jewish Committee, peddled familiar propaganda of the imminent destruction of “6,000,000 Jews” by Nazis. This same year, Jewish Hollywood screenwriter, Ben Hecht, wrote in the Reader’s Digest Magazine: “Of these 6,000,000 Jews almost a third have already been massacred by Germans, Rumanians, and Hungarians, and the most conservative of the scorcekeepers estimate that before the war ends at least another third will have been done to death.“ During and after the war this devil supported the Jewish terrorist organization, Irgun, “by writing propaganda and fundraising.” Among the countless atrocities perpetrated by this group was the Deir Yassin massacre and King David Hotel bombing. Slaughtering Palestinian men, women and children, was the specialty of the evil Jewish Irgun, as well their counterparts in the Stern Gang and the Haganah.

Jewish Liars Expose Themselves, Proclaim “6,000,000 Jews Dead” Before War Was Over

A supreme indictment of the hoax is the fact that the Jews prematurely announced exactly 6,000,000 Jews had died before the war was even over!

For example, in September of 1944, eight months before the war had ended, Jewish-Communist Union leaders from the U.S. had already made the claim that “almost 6,000,000 Jews” had been “murdered in cold blood” by the Nazis. In November of 1944, still long before the war was over, several newspapers had the headings “Six Million Jews Listed Slaughtered” and “Six Million Murdered”. These articles were based on the allegations of “The Black Book“, a ravenously anti-German hate propaganda screed authored by Ilya Ehrenburg, the prominent Soviet-Jewish propagandist, who had previously exhorted Soviet troops to exterminate all Germans and to rape German women. In March of 1945, Ehrenburg announced: “the world now knows Germany has killed six million Jews.” Prior to that in January of 1945, a Jew named Jacob Lestchinsky proclaimed at the annual conference of the Yiddish Scientific Institute that exactly 6,000,000 Jews had perished during the war (fully four months before it was officially over!). At a March 1945 Congressional Hearing, Joseph Thon, representing The National Organization of Polish Jews in America, stated to the committee: “The German people murdered, in cold blood, in excess of 6,000,000 European Jews … I accuse the whole German people that in the years 1939 to 1945 they slaughtered upward of 15,000,000 men, among which there were 6,000,000 Jews.” These hysterical pronouncements were made by these Jews long before any statistical data or demographic figures could have been available to them; thus exposing themselves as frauds and liars seeking political advantage through atrocity propaganda. Ironically, in May of 1945 the New York Times (the primary mouthpiece of Zionist atrocity propaganda since 1890) unwittingly reported that “more than 6,000,000 people” had been “liberated” from Nazi concentration camps — not exterminated!

We are either to believe the theory which holds physics / science / natural law in contempt and asserts that revisionists are lying in order to have their careers ruined, face jail sentences or heavy fines, get blown up / beaten up, terrorized, etc. Or another theory that has “witnesses” lying for huge sums of money (“reparations”, movie deals, book deals, fame / fortune, etc), political power / leverage to establish the (terrorist) state of Israel in Palestine after the war, misdirect public attention from the genocidal crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR, and forever stifle dissent of opponents / critics of Zionism, Communism, Jewish power, and Jewish wrongdoings generally. Which theory makes more sense to you?

One of the real agendas behind this perpetual “Holocaust of six million Jews” propaganda campaign was a fund raising drive to support various aspects of the Jewish-dominated communist revolution in Russia. In other words, to finance the Jewish-Soviet holocaust of millions of Russians, Ukrainians and others, in the Soviet sphere of influence.

The second large-scale agenda behind these eternal Jewish persecution lies, especially during WWII, was to drum up another fund raising support campaign for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. The Jewish globalists realized that the hoax was believable only in the context of a world war that had killed more than 60 million people. Under the fog of this catastrophic war, all the death, destruction and confusion, could be used as a front to institutionalize the Holocaust™ racket to achieve their goal of stealing Palestine. This propaganda assault has yet to cease because Israel relies heavily on Western nations for economic, diplomatic and military support in order to keep it going — like a tapeworm attached to our bowels.

Zionist power brokers were hell-bent on creating Israel as a central organization for their international world swindle.

For instance, in 1936, the leading Zionist organizer and influence-peddler of the 20th century, Chaim Weizmann, told the Peel Commission that “6,000,000 Jews are sentenced to be imprisoned in this part of the world [Europe], where they are unwanted…” His obvious goal with this sympathy-peddling charade was to coerce the British to help him create the state of Israel on the ashes of the Palestinians. On May 31, 1936, the New York Times reported that American-Zionist lobbying groups were desperately calling on Christian leaders and British elites to help them create the state of Israel to relieve the “sufferings of the millions of Jews in the European Holocaust.” The article says such things as, “God has bestowed upon England one of the greatest missions in human history — the salvation of Israel and restoration to its ancient patrimony … throw open the gates of Palestine and let the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European Holocaust … help transform Palestine into a Jewish homeland to which the persecuted Jews of the world may freely come” (and that) “The restoration of the land of Israel to the children of Israel is the guiding star in this great struggle for a better world and a better humanity.” All of this spoken three years before the German invasion of Poland and the creation of the Warsaw Ghetto; Auschwitz wasn’t started until 1940! Note the Zionist theme of this articlepublished in the Turtle Mountain Star on October 6th, 1938, with the heading: “Jews Are Fighting for a Homeland”. The article tells us that Israel must be created so that Jews can be safe from “persecution”. It states: “Five or six million Jews, uprooted by dictatorships and tossed around by economic storms, may have to depend upon the development of the Holy Land, under British Mandate, as a solution to their difficulties.”

World dominion is their stated goal in the Protocols of Zion, and they're well on their way to accomplishing it.

The brazenly distinct pattern of Jewish-Zionist persecution propaganda dating back to 1900 is extremely damning, and, in itself, is discrediting to the WWII Holocaust story. Without even getting into the scientific arguments that refute the Holocaust story, (which I have covered in previous articles, here & here), one can, based on the facts outlined herein, confidently discount the WWII Holocaust story as a sack of Zionist dung-heap to pave the way for Israel’s illegal creation.

Holocaustianity: A Brainwashing Campaign to Establish “New World Order” Under Jews On October 6, 1940, the New York Times ran an articletitled, “New World Order Pledged To Jews.” It reported that Arthur Greenwood of the British War Cabinet pledged the Jews a “New World Order” upon the defeat of the Axis Powers in WWII. Greenwood was quoted as saying that in this New World Order the “conscience of civilized humanity would demand that the wrongs suffered by the Jewish people in so many countries should be righted.” He added that after the war an opportunity would be given to Jews everywhere to make a “distinctive and constructive contribution in the rebuilding of the world.” In other words, he offered the Jews a platform for world domination.

Similarly, in 1991, a Jewish Freemason from the Canadian branch of B’nai B’rith, Ian J. Kagedan, subtly let slip the purpose behind the endless, world-wide Holocaust™ promotion campaign — it would be utilized as a vehicle for Jewish world dominion. In the November 26, 1991, edition of the Toronto Star, Kagedan ominously crowed: “Memory of the Holocaust is central to the new world order… Achieving our quest of a “new world order” depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.”

Free Yourself From Zionist Mind Enslavement

The Jews have been holding the Western world hostage with this fantasy story since 1945. Despotic western governments, beholden to Jewish political and economic interests, have ruthlessly persecuted dissidents(“heretics”, “blasphemers”, “heathens”, to use religious terms) who have bravely challenged this evil Zionist hoax.

Our television sets have become nothing less than Zionist brainwashing devices.

According to this 2002 article more than 170 films about the so-called Holocaust™ have been made since 1989. One can only guess at how many dozens more have been made since. If you include documentaries and television specials about the holohoax you could add more than 150 to that number. This is hardly surprising, considering how the Hollywood film and entertainment industry is a Jewish institution — a perennial lie-factory for Zion; a mouthpiece for Jewish World Supremacy.

This endless barrage of holohoax propaganda amounts to nothing less than Jewish mind control and ideological enslavement to Zionism. A majority of the Western public today are basically brain-dead servants of Zion, who worship at the feet of Jewish terrorists, swindlers, war criminals and big-shot Hollywood liars and attention seekers. It doesn’t matter how much undeniable proof and evidence you throw in their faces discrediting the farcical story the Jews have deceptively woven into our history books. They will refuse to accept that evidence on its undeniable merit, instead siding with a scientifically impossible, whimsical fairy tale because of its emotional appeal and the religiosity that emanates from it. People enjoy being told what to think. And it looks like they will continue to blindly believe in the “Big Lie” of Holocaustianity for a long time to come, unless more people join the fight to dismantle this great historical lie and swindle of near-planetary proportions.
Zionist Negotiations with the Sultan

Herzl knew that “Palestine is our unforgettable historic homeland. They very name would be a marvelously effective rallying cry. ” He believed the best way to do this was to obtain a charter from the Ottoman Empire. “Let us express it in a single word: A Charter! Our efforts are directed at obtaining a Charter from the Turkish government, a Charter under the sovereignty of His Majesty the Sultan. Only when we are in possession of this Charter, which will have to include the necessary guarantees under public law, will we be able to begin large-scale practical settlement. In return for granting us this Charter we shall secure great benefits for the Turkish government. ”

Nevlinski, Herzl’s main contact with the Turkish Sultan, told the Sultan that “If the Jews cannot obtain Palestine, they will undoubtedly turn to Argentina” in June of 1896, doubtless thinking this might worry him over the possible loss of finances. But it was clear from public Jewish sentiment and the words of Zionist Congresses that they wanted Palestine, and would do quite a lot to get it.

“Buying” a State – Negotiations with the Turkish Sultan

Herzl’s hope was to essentially “buy” a state from the Ottoman Empire. In exchange for the Jewish consolidation of the Empire’s debt, the Jews would receive autonomy (and, hoped Herzl, independence) in Palestine. The Turkish Sultan was sent greetings by the First Zionist Congress. Though they were not formally acknowledged, Herzl believed that the Sultan sent a representative/spy to that first Congress . But the Sultan acknowledged the telegram sent during the Second Zionist Congress (1898), something which Herzl “never counted on. ”

Several routes to the Sultan were attempted. Arminius Vambery, a Hungarian traveler with the Sultan’s ear who Herzl called “uncle,” promised a meeting with the Sultan in exchange for payment, though his initial attempt failed. Philip Michael Von Nevlinski, a Polish count, was sympathetic and also had the Sultan’s ear. He guided Herzl in his 1896 visit to Constantinople, the first of five. When he was in Constantinople, Herzl willingly bribed Ottoman officials in attempts to gain an audience with the Sultan himself . Though he was summoned repeatedly by Constantinople (the last of which came in 1902 ), he often was not received by the Sultan himself. Nonetheless, Herzl continued going and talked to anyone he was able to. He believed that “to drop Turkey was to drop everything. ”

In his first trip to Constantinople, undertaken in 1896, Herzl did not meet the Sultan. He stated at one point that he had no intention of going unless he was assured of an audience – and he thought Nevlinski had already arranged one. Despite the lack of an audience with the Sultan himself, the trip was not an absolute failure. He was able to speak with several of the Sultan’s advisors, and Nevlinski was able to discuss the issue with ‘Abd al-Hamid. On 18 June 1896, Herzl spoke with the son of the Grand Vizier, Djavid Bey, who was a young State Councillor. Djavid’s first objection was Jerusalem, leading Herzl to state in his diary that he believed “we must ultimately concede that Jerusalem shall remain as it is. ” Herzl also told Djavid he believed Palestine could form a vassalage to the Ottoman Empire, already showing his willingness to make concessions as necessary to get a form of autonomy if not full sovereignty. When Djavid asked Herzl what typed of government the Jewish community would be and Herzl told him “An aristocratic republic,” Djavid “roundly disapproved: ‘Say whatever you please to the Sultan, but not the word “Republic.” People here are mortally afraid of it. They fear the spread of this revolutionary form of government, like an epidemic, from one province to another. ’” On 19 June in speaking to Khalil Rifat Pasha, Herzl “had the impression that he not only looked with disfavor on the project but distrusted it. ”

On 19 June, Nevlinski spoke with Herzl about the Sultan’s opinion of the matter. The Sultan told Nevlinski: "if Mr. Herzl is your friend in the same measure as you are mine, then advise him not to go a single step further in the matter. I cannot sell even a foot of land, for it does not belong to me but to my people. They have won this Empire and fertilized it with their blood. We will cover it once more with our blood, before we allow it to be torn from us. Two of my regiments from Syria and Palestine allowed themselves to be killed to a man at Plevna. Not one of them yielded; one and all remained, dead, upon the field. The Turkish people own the Turkish Empire, not I. I can dispose of no part of it. The Jews may spare their millions. When my Empire is divided, perhaps they will get Palestine for nothing. But only our corpse can be divided. I will never consent to vivisection."

Herzl was culturally aware enough not to write a “manifesto” to the Sultan, admitting his to be a “typically English notion,” instead desiring a private negotiation . He finally got his desired “private negotiation” in 1901, thanks to “Uncle Vambery.” The meeting that took place on 19 May was long and political. Herzl and the Sultan, through an interpreter, meandered between topics of small talk and implicit statements. After the obligatory salaamiks and greetings, though, Herzl was able to get to the point. “The thorn, as I see it, is your public debt. If that could be removed, the vitality of Turkey, in which I have great faith, would develop new strength." The Sultan makes no explicit promises, though “referred to himself as a friend of the Jews and promised them his lasting protection if they sought refuge in his lands. ” For now, though, Herzl would send the Sultan “a capable financier who could create new resources for the country ” and wait for the consolidation plan. In return, he requested “a pro-Jewish pronouncement at a moment[Herzl] would designate [he] was thinking of the Congress)…All this was promised [him].”

In 1901, Izzet came to Herzl with the plan for consolidation of the public debt, but it was a “thieves’ plan on the fact of it.” Herzl felt like the Turks were simply trying to bleed the Jews, but he played the game in hopes of achieving what he desired. In February 1902, Herzl was once again summoned to Constantinople. He did not see the Sultan. Once again, he felt played, as “Concessions were offered him for the exploitation of mines, the establishment of a pro-government bank, and the creation of a land company for settling Jewish immigrants – but, as expressly stipulated, not in Palestine. He soon had convincing proof that the whole performance was staged in order to play him off against a French financial and political combine, headed by the French Minister of Finance, Maurice Rouvier, who got nowhere either – but perhaps not so fast as Herzl. ”

Herzl’s last trip to Constantinople was full of “assurances of continued interest and good will,”but he once again “left empty-handed. ” That was in 1902. In 1904, Herzl died, having been fully disenchanted from his belief that he could simply “buy” a state. In the year before his death, he negotiated for mere settlement in the sanjak of Acre . Still, the Ottomans refused. From the Zionist standpoint, the repeated refusals seemed illogical: the Ottoman Empire desperately needed funds, yet would not take them, even though Herzl only ever used language of the desire for agricultural land with the Sultan. ‘Abd al-Hamid was convinced that they wanted their own government (which was a fully justified fear) . His ambassador in Berlin, Ahmed Tewfik Pasa, believed “we must have no illusions about Zionism. Although the speakers at the Congress dwelled upon vague generalities such as the future of the Jewish people, the Zionists, in effect, aim at the formation of a great Jewish State in Palestine, which would also spread towards the neighbouring countries. ” The Ottomans did not wish to deal with another nationality in their borders. In short, they did not desire their own “Jewish Question.”

Begging” for a State – Seeking International Support

Initially, Herzl believed the charter for a Jewish state or autonomous region must come from the Ottoman Empire, as they were the undisputed authority over the Palestinian region. It quickly became clear, though, that this would not happen easily. So even as he pursued negotiations with the Turkish Sultan, Herzl talked with other powers in the world in an attempt to get them on board. He hoped that other nations might put pressure on the Ottoman Empire, which was increasingly feeling pressure from Europe.

The hope of European pressure on the Jew’s behalf in Palestine came before the idea of Zionism. In 1863, Ha-Magid, a Hebrew Journal, included a belief that "if the House of Rothschild and Sir Moses Montefiore stood at its head, together with the leaders of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Alliance Israelite Universelle, and other notables who have the strength to stand in the courts of kings and speak for their brothers, then the Society would, with the help of God, reach its goal; then the government of Turkey would, at the request of the kings of Europe, protect those of our brothers who work at the land of their fathers."

The most influential country in regards to the Ottoman Empire, and the one that Herzl had the most contact with, was Germany. The Ottomans were weak militarily and Germany was the foremost military power in Europe . As Germany’s influence grew, it penetrated Turkey and the Kaiser had an incredible amount of power in the Ottoman Empire. Herzl made the following five points to Eulenburg, a close confidant of Wilhelm II’s and a German diplomat:

1. In various countries Zionism might lessen the danger of socialism, since it was often dissatisfied Jews who provided the revolutionary parties with leaders and ideas.

2. A reduction in Jewish numbers would weaken anti-Semitim.

3. Turkey stood to gain from the influx of an intelligent and energetic element into Palestine. Large sums of money injected into her economy and the increase in trade would improve her finances.

4. The Jews would bring civilization and order back to a neglected corner of the Orient.

5. A railroad from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf was a European necessity. ‘The Jews could and must build this great road of the nations which, if undertaken otherwise, might call forth the most serious rivalries.

Eulenburg agreed, and the Emperor came around to this way of thinking as well, at least verbally. On 28 September 1898, Herzl received a letter from Eulenburg stating:

His Majesty would discuss the matter with the Sultan in a most emphatic manner and will be pleased to hear more from you in Jerusalem. The Kaiser has already issued orders to the effect that no obstacle is to be placed in the way of the [Zionist] delegation.

In conclusion, H.M. wishes to tell you that he is very much prepared to undertake the protectorate in question. His Majesty, naturally, counts on your discretion in conveying this information.

In his meeting with Herzl, the Kaiser asked him to “Tell me in a word what I am to ask of the Sultan.” Herzl replied “A Chartered Company – under German protection. ”

In a letter to his uncle, the Grand Duke, dated 29 September 1898, Wilhelm II said:

"I am convinced that the settlement of the Holy Land by the wealthy and industrious people of Israel [Volk Israel] will bring unexampled prosperity and blessings to the Holy Land, which may do much to revive and develop Asia Minor. Such a settlement would bring millions into the purse of the Turks and of the upper class and effendis and so gradually help to save the ‘Sick Man’ from bankruptcy. In this way the disagreeable Eastern question would be imperceptibly separated from the Mediterranean…The Turk will recover, getting his money without borrowing, and will be able to build his own highways and railways without foreign companies and then it would not be so easy to dismember Turkey. And besides, would it not be an immense achievement for Germany, if the world of the Hebrews looked to her with gratitude?"

Though German sentiment was not static or fully consensual (Wilhelmstrasse stated that “intervention by Germany in favour of Herzl’s ‘Jewish State’ would inflict irreparable damage on all our other interests in Turkey”), the Kaiser told the Ottoman Sultan “The Zionists are not dangerous to Turkey, but the Jews are everywhere a nuisance we should like to be rid of. ” The Sultan disagreed, becoming ever more fearful of European influence as time went by and European power grew. During Wilhelm II’s 1889 tour of Jerusalem, Tewfik Pasa told him that “the Sultan would have nothing to do with Zionism and an independent Jewish Kingdom,” and that Zionism “would assure the ruin of Turkey.” The Kaiser withdrew support, not wishing to injure the goodwill of the Sultan.

Despite his attempts, Herzl failed to obtain a charter from the Ottomans or any other country.


Batmaz, Sakir. “Illegal Jewish-Immigration Policy in Palestine (Periods of 1st and 2nd Constitutional Monarchy).” Turkish Studies: International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic 3(1) Winter 2008.

Friedman, Isaiah. 1977. Germany, Turkey, and Zionism 1897-1918. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Hertzberg, Arthur, ed. 1959. The Zionist Idea. Philadelphia.

Herzl, Theodor. Lowenthal, Marvin, ed. and trans. 1956. “The Diaries of Theodor Herzl. New York: The Dial Press.

Oke, Mim Kemal. 1982. “The Ottoman Empire, Zionism, and the Question of Palestine (1880-1908).” International Journal of Middle East Studies 14(3 Aug 1982), 329-341. Cambridge University Press.

Vital, David. 1975. “The Origins of Zionism” Oxford: Clarendon Press.

------. 1982. “Zionism: the Formative Years.” Oxford: Clarendon Press.

------. 1987. “Zionism: the Crucial Phase.” Oxford: Clarendon Press.
1866: "It is already ours." - Rothschild on Palestine

"His (Nathan Rothschild's) wealth was in fact intended for a higher purpose: "to avenge the wrongs of Israel" by securing "the re-establishment of Judah's kingdom—then rebuilding of thy towers, Oh! Jerusalem!" and "the restoration of Judea to out ancient race."

Joseph L. Lord was a Boston lawyer and a Unitarian, a Christian who denies Jesus was God, which is very kosher.

He wrote several books on the arrival of the heir of King David, a Jew who will rule over the earth. His 1866 effort was entitled

The Present Shame and Future Glory of the House of Israel

The Friend is a Quaker Journal which was publishing in 1830 (perhaps even earlier) and is still being published today. In the Feb 1867 edition, extracts were published of Lord's:

The Present Shame and Future Glory of the House of Israel

"There is scarcely a Political journal in Europe that is not more or less, under Jewish influence or control. [...] But the 'hiding of the power' of the Jews is Finance—is enthroned in their vaults of silver and gold. [...] Jewish influence has reigned in Parliament these many years; for Jews make money, and money makes members of Parliament. The Jews govern the money market, and the money market governs the world.[...] There are individual Jews, however, whose financial power is more vast than that of any government. There lives in London a Jew, a plain man, in manners as simple as a child, whose scrawl on the back of a piece of paper, an insignificant bit of beaten rag, is worth more than the royal word of kings, or the plighted faith of republics; who, bent ever upon the errands of his tribe, has loaned to the various European States, within the last twelve years, more than five hundred and seventy millions of dollars, and could afford to pay the debt of any one of them any morning that the whim might seize him. It is related of Rothschild, that being asked, 'why he did not avail himself of existing political complications to secure to his own people the Holy Land,' he unconcernedly replied: 'It is ours already.' The Holy Land is, virtually, under mortgage to Jewish bankers—a mortgage which no Gentile power, or combination of Gentile powers, dares to meddle with. [...] The Jewish nation has been thus wonderfully upheld and preserved, amid the mutations that have befallen other nations, and caused their downfall and extinction, for some special purpose in the counsels of the Divine Providence, and that an extraordinary and lofty purpose."
In 1910 a Serb, Bogdan Zerajic, had attempted to assassinate General Varesanin, the Austrian governor of Bosnia-Herzegovina, when he was opening parliament in Sarajevo.

Zerajic was a member of the Black Hand (Unity or Death) who wanted Bosnia-Herzegovina to leave the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The leader of the group was Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic, the chief of the Intelligence Department of the Serbian General Staff. Dimitrijevic considered Franz Ferdinand a serious threat to a union between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia. He was worried that Ferdinand's plans to grant concessions to the South Slavs would make an independent Serbian state more difficult to achieve.

When it was announced that Franz Ferdinand was going to visit Bosnia in June 1914, Dimitrijevic began to make plans to assassinate the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne. Dimitrijevic sent three members of the Black Hand group based in Belgrade, Gavrilo Princip, Nedjelko Cabrinovic and Trifko Grabez, to Sarajevo to carry out the deed.

Unknown to Dragutin Dimitrijevic, Major Voja Tankosic, a senior member of the Black Hand group, informed Nikola Pasic, the prime minister of Serbia, about the plot. Although Pasic supported the main objectives of the Black Hand group, he did not want the assassination to take place, as he feared it would lead to a war with Austro-Hungary. He therefore gave instructions for Gavrilo Princip, Nedjelko Cabrinovic and Trifko Grabez to be arrested when they attempted to leave the country. However, his orders were not implemented and the three man arrived in Bosnia-Herzegovina where they joined forces with fellow conspirators, Muhamed Mehmedbasic, Danilo Ilic, Vaso Cubrilovic, Cvijetko Popovic, Misko Jovanovic and Veljko Cubrilovic.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Dutchess Sophie at Sarajevo on 28th June, 1914.

Just before 10 o'clock on Sunday, 28th June, 1914, Franz Ferdinand and Sophie von Chotkovato arrived in Sarajevo by train. General Oskar Potiorek, Governor of the Austrian provinces of Bosnia-Herzegovina, was waiting to take the royal party to the City Hall for the official reception.

In the front car was Fehim Curcic, the Mayor of Sarajevo and Dr. Gerde, the city's Commissioner of Police. Franz Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie were in the second car with Oskar Potiorek and Count von Harrach. The car's top was rolled back in order to allow the crowds a good view of its occupants.

At 10.10, when the six car possession passed the central police station, Nedjelko Cabrinovic hurled a hand grenade station at the archduke's car. The driver accelerated when he saw the object flying towards him and the grenade exploded under the wheel of the next car. Two of the occupants, Eric von Merizzi and Count Boos-Waldeck were seriously wounded. About a dozen spectators were also hit by bomb splinters.

Franz Ferdinand's driver, Franz Urban, drove on extremely fast and other members of the Black Handgroup on the route, Cvijetko Popovic, Gavrilo Princip, Danilo Ilic and Trifko Grabez, were unable to fire their guns or hurl their bombs at the Archduke's car.

After attending the official reception at the City Hall, Franz Ferdinand asked about the members of his party that had been wounded by the bomb. When the archduke was told they were badly injured in hospital, he insisted on being taken to see them. A member of the archduke's staff, Baron Morsey, suggested this might be dangerous, but Oskar Potiorek, who was responsible for the safety of the royal party, replied, "Do you think Sarajevo is full of assassins?" However, Potiorek did accept it would be better if Duchess Sophie remained behind in the City Hall. When Baron Morsey told Sophie about the revised plans, she refused to stay arguing: "As long as the Archduke shows himself in public today I will not leave him."

In order to avoid the city centre, General Oskar Potiorek decided that the royal car should travel straight along the Appel Quay to the Sarajevo Hospital. However, Potiorek forgot to tell the driver, Franz Urban, about this decision. On the way to the hospital, Urban took a right turn into Franz Joseph Street. One of the conspirators, Gavrilo Princip, was standing on the corner at the time. Oskar Potiorek immediately realised the driver had taken the wrong route and shouted "What is this? This is the wrong way! We're supposed to take the Appel Quay!".

The driver put his foot on the brake, and began to back up. In doing so he moved slowly past the waiting Gavrilo Princip. The assassin stepped forward, drew his gun, and at a distance of about five feet, fired several times into the car. Franz Ferdinand was hit in the neck and Sophie von Chotkovato in the abdomen. Princip's bullet had pierced the archduke's jugular vein but before losing consciousness, he pleaded "Sophie dear! Sophie dear! Don't die! Stay alive for our children!" Franz Urban drove the royal couple to Konak, the governor's residence, but although both were still alive when they arrived, they died from their wounds soon afterwards.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand : Biography
Gavrillo Princip
Member of Black Hand Masonry
Assassin of Heir to Austro-Hungarian Throne
The Destruction and Slaughter of a Generation

During the trial of Archduke Ferdinand's killer, Gavrillo Princep testified that his colleague, Ciganovich, "told me he was a Freemason" and "on another occasion told me that the Heir Apparent had been condemned to death by a Freemason's lodge."Moreover, another of the accused assassins, Chabrinovitch, testified that Major Tankositch, one of the plotters, was a Freemason.

Mary Edith Durham
The Sarajevo Crime, pages 85 - 86
George Allyn and Unwinn, Ltd.
London, 1925

The First Degree of Freemasonry Watch
October 31, 1898

Theodor Herzl in Jerusalem, Just Prior to Meeting With German Emperor Wilhelm II, Sends a Postcard to Menachem Ussishkin

The idea of Herzl meeting with the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, in November 1898 was simple enough: Palestine was under Turkish control, and Germany was Turkey’s most influential ally – so if the Kaiser would only persuade the Sultan to allow for a creation of a “German protectorate” for world Jewry in Turkish-controlled Palestine, then the Jews might have a state in “Eretz Israel.” To that end, Herzl journeyed to Jerusalem to meet with the Kaiser; on October 18th, in Istanbul, Herzl argued the case for a Jewish state; on the 28th, they met briefly in Jerusalem, and then had a third, and final meeting, on November 2nd. But third, and final meeting, on November 2nd. But whereas the first meetings held out some hope, the last proved a failure. Meeting with the Zionist delegation of Herzl, David Wolffson (who would later become the head of the Zionist movement), lawyer Max Bodenheimer, engineer Joseph Seidener and Herzl’s doctor M.T. Schnirer, the Emperor declared that “the issue needs further examination and further discussion” – in other words, no help would be forthcoming. The delegation was downhearted, but not Herzl: “You see,” he explained, “I am a leader, not because I am intelligent or better than you, but because I am fearless… in difficult times, such as these, I remain optimistic.”

This historic association piece is indicative, too, of the tense relationship between Herzl and Ussishkin: on the one hand, the sending of the card was a definite courtesy; but that it said nothing, spoke of their estrangement.

Theordor Herzl Contacts Menachem Ussishkin Before Meeting Wilhelm II
Herzl and Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1898

This photograph was taken on October 28, 1898 outside of the agricultural school at Mikve Israel when Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, astride a white stallion, with helmet of gold stopped for a moment on his way to Jerusalem. By the roadside, stood a solemn figure with a black beard: Theodor Herzl, founder of modern Zionism. Herzl considered the Kaiser’s recognition crucial for international approval of his plan to resettle the Jews in the land of Israel. All the Kaiser could muster was the observation: “The land needs water, very much water.”

Herzl and Kaiser Wilhelm II | Israel Tours | Israel Tour Guide
Original photos, 1898
Original photograph, taken by Herzl’s adjutant David Wolffsohn, October 28, 1898
Posed photo of Herzl on roof of Mikve Israel school

Original photos, 1898 | Israel Tours | Israel Tour Guide
1900: Rothschilds, controllers of war or peace
Reverend Dr. Thomas De Witt Talmage (1832 – 1902)

The family of the Rothschilds is significant of wealth, the loss of $40,000,000 in 1848 putting them to no inconvience; and within a few years they have loaned Russia $12,000,000 Naples, $25,000,000, and England, $200,000,000; and the stroke of their pen on the counting room desk shakes everything from the Irish sea to the Danube. They open their hand, and there is war; they shut it and there is peace.

Kentucky New Era - Aug 27, 1900
WW2 was a bellum Judaicum [jUDEN war]
German-Jew and Zionist propagandist Hans Jonas (1903 - 1993)

In September 1939 Jonas published: Our Part In This War: A Word to Jewish Men, here's a few quotes from it:

This is our hour, this is our war. It is the hour we have been waiting for with the despair and hope in our hearts in these deadly years: the hour when it would be allowed to us after powerlessly enduring all the ignominy, all the physical deprivation and moral violation of our people, to finally confront our archenemy eye to eye, with weapon in hand; to demand retribution; in the great reckoning, to actively take part in the subjugation of the universal enemy who was first of all our enemy and who will be it till the end.

This is the war by which alone this evil can once again be driven from the world; without which it would grow rampantly forth beyond, [leaving] in its trail our annihilation: that is why this is our war.We have a first right to it and a first duty. It is ours to join the fight since it is being fought for us. it is up to us to join in conducting it in our name, as Jews since it is its outcome that shall reinstate our name. ...

Our mere existence is incompatible with the existence of Nazism. A conflict prevails here which has been driven to mythological proportions, and it can end only with the annihilation of one or the other of us. ...

this is for us a bellum Judaicum [Jewish war] in the profoundest sense of the word—the first since the end of our existence as a state. ... this war is a bellum Judaicum and calls us to our posts.

"Our Part In This War: A Word to Jewish Men" by Hans Jonas, September 1939.

As quoted in: Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava. Wiese, Christian. The Legacy of Hans Jonas: Judaism and the Phenomenon of Life. Brill, Netherlands. 2008. pp. 194-2002.
The Rothschild & Bergen Belsen's gas chambers
Baron Philippee de Rothschild (1902 - 1988), who described his family as "the richest and most powerful family in the world."1 Pictured with the late Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother.

In his judgment of the 2000 libel trial of Irving vs. Penguin & Lipstadt, Justice Gray stated:

The consequence of the absence of any overt documentary evidence of gas chambers at these camps, coupled with the lack of archaeological evidence, means that reliance has to be placed on eye witness and circumstantial evidence. 2

This is very strange, seeing that Baron de Rothschild wrote in his 1984 autobiography, that he saw with his own eyes an immensely overt German document which proved the gas chambers, at Bergen-Belsen no less, a transit camp that no reputable Holocaust historian has ever claimed there was a gas chamber, although several Holocaust propagandists have claimed Belsen had a gas chamber.3

Rothschild joined the French Free Corps in Britain in 1941, and following the Normandy invasion, he was posted as a liaison officer, he spoke fluent English and French.

He wrote in his autobiography:

As the German army was pushed back, the places we had called concentration camps were opened up. When the first reports came through, they were not believed. People have long memories for some things. During the First World war there had been atrocities stories of bodies boiled down for glycerine, babies tossed onto bayonets, which were afterwards discredited as mere hate propaganda. But this time there were eye-witness accounts from soldiers and war correspondents who entered the camps and saw what they contained. Delegations of politicians, lawyers, doctors, were sent to verify these reports. I was appointed to such a mission, by the French government. ...

Belsen came first: the furances used for burning corpses were still smoking. To enter the camp area we had to wear gas masks, protective clothing and gloves. Once inside, all we could do was wander among the half dead, murmuring useless words, trying to avoid the eyes of men and women who were not much more than skeletons in rags.

I was shown the files in the administration section, the bills and receipts, neatly typed and rubber stamped, "We beg to acknowledge delivery of your improved gas chambers. We have found them most efficient." 4