

Matthew 6:22 - The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Some spend hours a day in front of the internet watching things that are not edifying to the soul and spirit.
If you can spend 30 minutes a day watching the world's crap, why not 30 minutes reading that which strengthens your walk with Yeshua? Here, for 1$ at Hobby Lobby is a great way to read through the book in one year. There are other plans on the web that are free. Pick one and stick to it! God will reward you for it I promise!


Mein Kamp is 422 pages long. That means if you read just two pages (one sheet) you will read that great book in less than six months! There is nothing wrong with digital but I recommend getting it in paper. Besides, someday it will be illegal to own and you will be unable to get great peace of lterature.
So thats the weekly/daily challenge, find a plan get to reading. I promise this one single thing will make you a better stronger person able to tackle whatever the jews throw at you!
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Matthew 6:22 - The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Some spend hours a day in front of the internet watching things that are not edifying to the soul and spirit.
If you can spend 30 minutes a day watching the world's crap, why not 30 minutes reading that which strengthens your walk with Yeshua? Here, for 1$ at Hobby Lobby is a great way to read through the book in one year. There are other plans on the web that are free. Pick one and stick to it! God will reward you for it I promise!

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Mein Kamp is 422 pages long. That means if you read just two pages (one sheet) you will read that great book in less than six months! There is nothing wrong with digital but I recommend getting it in paper. Besides, someday it will be illegal to own and you will be unable to get great peace of lterature.
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So thats the weekly/daily challenge, find a plan get to reading. I promise this one single thing will make you a better stronger person able to tackle whatever the jews throw at you!
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Reading is mandatory for people in Identity.
Day one. Loaded my pack. Hiked for three and half miles to this very cool very remote park bench and met with Yeshua.
How did every one else do?
psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

I cannot understate the importance of bible memorization. God commands us to do it; Deut 11:18/Psalms 119:16.
I gave a message on this and I will post it soon. God promises that deeper and more knowledgeable you get in His
Word that he will send people to you that he needs to hear it. It has happened to me too many times to count. Trust
me on this one; next to bible reading, bible memorization is next. Here is a good one to start with. (If Pastor wanted to
include the version from the Book he uses that would be great. I need to get one soon me thinks!)


Here is how I do it; I use these cards because they are easy to carry around and more durable than a sheet of paper. You can
use whatever you want though.

day 1: First write out the verse in its entirety. My preacher wanted you to write it down ten times
but I say once is good and read it ten or twenty times throughout the day.
day 2; write it again like this and carry it with you reading it several times throughout the day.
day 3; write it again omitting even more letters. Read it several times throughout the day.
day 4; take your first sheet and write 1Pet 2:9 on the opposite side. By now you should be
able to quote the verse from memory. I am dumber than a box of rocks and this is how
at one time I had over five hundred bible verses memorized.

If you have a different way please show it! You never know when your access to God's
Word is impossible, or illegal. All you will have is what you memorized.

All the filthy lies that have been poured into my soul when these are the words of freedom. If the Bible and Mein Kamp were
required reading we would not be in this mess I guarantee it.
I am at the part of the "Hitler's Revolution" where we see the treachery of those spineless men who turned coat on their great nation playing a major part in the downfall of the Reich and the slaughter of millions of our Aryan brothers. It sickens me to read it.
My reading has been strong and I find that the more I read the less I let those things which are out of my control effect me. I am on page 73 of MK. I can understand why the dirty hook nose hates it so much. So far, in my opinion, there is no greater book, other than the Word, than this. It is truly must read revolutionary fuel. I cannot wait to see were Mr Hitler takes me next! In HR, I just passed the part of the assassination attempt. they cleaned house of the filthy traitors but the damage was done. Our jew led UN forces were already entrenched. A very sad time for world history. I am close to completing my years bible read. I hope to procure the bible that CCJC endorses and read it next. Also at that time I will be continuing my education here with the several studies that Pas Miner has provided. I hope your reading is going as well. Please post here your results, your progress. It will encourage your fellow brothers and sisters!
In my daily reading of MK, Mein Fuhrer is explaining why the religious movement in Austria failed. He wrote; "it combats with the greatest hostility any attempt to rescue the nation from the embrace of its most mortal enemy." I wonder, did the jews control the education of the clergy and pastors as they do now in America? If I hear 'God's chosen!' one more time.... This is also a picture of modern medicine, treat all the symptoms without addressing the cause. Until we name the jew we will always be losing this battle against the parasite.
Towards the end of 'Hitlers Revolution' I found this gem. The author, Richard Tedor, was showing the reader that the greatest undermining of the German National Socialist Movement was the aristocrats. I will let him tell it:


The reason that they fought like this is because their cause was just and true. It is said that the proof of Christ' existence and purpose was those willing to die for it. No man is willing to die for a lie. Oh to God that the white man could rise up and fight for his existence. When they do, let us be like Germany's excellent SS troops, ready to lead them.