
Luke 20:23 But he perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, Why tempt ye me?

I cannot think of one thing that will make you safer, stronger and more prepared than situational awareness. How many times
have we watched videos of nigs sucker punching some white dude that has his ear buds in, head down looking at his phone
while walking down the street? It could have easily been avoided. Here are two looks at the system I use. I like the first because it shows condition white, the victim condition and when we are allowed to be in it. Any guesses before you watch the video? Also, it seems to me that these two men have differing opinions on what condition black is. Any thoughts?

How do you practice situational awareness (SA)? If you have something different that you think is better please share it. Otherwise, put this into use and practice it every day. Be safe!
View attachment 8795
Luke 20:23 But he perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, Why tempt ye me?

I cannot think of one thing that will make you safer, stronger and more prepared than situational awareness. How many times
have we watched videos of nigs sucker punching some white dude that has his ear buds in, head down looking at his phone
while walking down the street? It could have easily been avoided. Here are two looks at the system I use. I like the first because it shows condition white, the victim condition and when we are allowed to be in it. Any guesses before you watch the video? Also, it seems to me that these two men have differing opinions on what condition black is. Any thoughts?

How do you practice situational awareness (SA)? If you have something different that you think is better please share it. Otherwise, put this into use and practice it every day. Be safe!
View attachment 8796
Excellent Brother!
I Cor 9:24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

This could have gone in either Bullet or Beans but I thought I would put it here because it makes a good transition
for upcoming challenges; What can be said about your health? If you are out of shape and at risk of heart attack
or stroke; if you cannot walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath.... What good will you be if you have to
defend yourself or someone else? Maybe you are young and still strong but the edge is dull on the blade?

Two years ago I found myself at the top of the flight of stairs at work out of breath. I had to wrap my companies
product and going in circles made me light headed and dizzy. I had the 'dunlap' disease and I was as heavy as I had
ever been in my life. I went the expensive route and joined a gym and signed up for a online health and fitness program
and it was nice but it was not really necessary. Removing junk from my diet and starting a simple exercise plan would
have sufficed. Less than three months later I had dropped the weight and was feeling strong.

So here is the challenge and its two part. Part I; Go for a hike. Make it suitable for your fitness level. Ease into it. If you
are strong and this is not a challenge for you then take a backpack and put weight in it. If you do not have weights use liter
bottles of water and keep adding as you progress. Once or twice a week would be fine but at least once to start off. Take a
picture of your self and post it here for extra credit. The end goal here is by the end of the summer you will be taking more
aggressive hikes with a weighted back pack on. Or as I like to do; I put on my kit and get comfortable carrying my patrol load out.
Modeling my three day patrol kit.

Part II; try and cut out unnecessary foods out of your diet. Sugary coffees that cost $8. Fast foods. Anything that has 'bio engineered food ingredients'. You do not have to go crazy. If you like your coffee have a cup or two a day, not five or six. Stop the donuts and things like it. If you have a Saturday coffee and donut tradition try making them yourself instead. It would cheaper and better for you. Again, ease into it. Neither one of these should cost anything and if anything they will save you money in the long run.

Anyway, thats it. I promise you, your body will thankyou and your over all attitude will get harder. We are preparing for combat folks!
View attachment 8807
I Cor 9:24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

This could have gone in either Bullet or Beans but I thought I would put it here because it makes a good transition
for upcoming challenges; What can be said about your health? If you are out of shape and at risk of heart attack
or stroke; if you cannot walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath.... What good will you be if you have to
defend yourself or someone else? Maybe you are young and still strong but the edge is dull on the blade?

Two years ago I found myself at the top of the flight of stairs at work out of breath. I had to wrap my companies
product and going in circles made me light headed and dizzy. I had the 'dunlap' disease and I was as heavy as I had
ever been in my life. I went the expensive route and joined a gym and signed up for a online health and fitness program
and it was nice but it was not really necessary. Removing junk from my diet and starting a simple exercise plan would
have sufficed. Less than three months later I had dropped the weight and was feeling strong.

So here is the challenge and its two part. Part I; Go for a hike. Make it suitable for your fitness level. Ease into it. If you
are strong and this is not a challenge for you then take a backpack and put weight in it. If you do not have weights use liter
bottles of water and keep adding as you progress. Once or twice a week would be fine but at least once to start off. Take a
picture of your self and post it here for extra credit. The end goal here is by the end of the summer you will be taking more
aggressive hikes with a weighted back pack on. Or as I like to do; I put on my kit and get comfortable carrying my patrol load out.
View attachment 8808
Modeling my three day patrol kit.
View attachment 8809

Part II; try and cut out unnecessary foods out of your diet. Sugary coffees that cost $8. Fast foods. Anything that has 'bio engineered food ingredients'. You do not have to go crazy. If you like your coffee have a cup or two a day, not five or six. Stop the donuts and things like it. If you have a Saturday coffee and donut tradition try making them yourself instead. It would cheaper and better for you. Again, ease into it. Neither one of these should cost anything and if anything they will save you money in the long run.

Anyway, thats it. I promise you, your body will thankyou and your over all attitude will get harder. We are preparing for combat folks!
View attachment 8810
Great post, Brother. 👊🏻💪🏻
I have been going on hikes and working out as well as jogging alot. This week I had to stop as my 57 year old body gave me some pains and aches and I thought it would be good to take a week off. I start back up again on monday. I hope that you have taken up this challenge. I see so many white men that are bloated and disgusting, even our youth. Why would our white women want a man that cannot possibly hope to defend them? Or live past fifty? Or walk a flight of stairs? If you took this challenge, please post some of your progress. It encourages your brothers and sisters and will make you feel so much better.
I was very short on time so I did a one mile jog in my hood carrying two five pound weights. 57 years old, I did it in 10:30 in 95 degree weather. Not bad for an old white guy! How is everyone else doing?